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King Blossom Guitars Presents the 2nd Annual Apple Jam Benefitting Wounded Warrior Project

About Wounded Warrior Project

warriorWhere do donations go? All funds raised by this event go to the Wounded Warrior Project

As the number of wounded U.S. Armed Forces increases, so does the need. Help give them the heroic homecoming they deserve.

WWP's Mission

To raise public awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women, to help severely injured service members to aid and assist each other, and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs.


Wounded Warrior Project began when several individuals took small actions to help others in need. One night while watching the evening news, veterans and brothers were moved by the stories of the first wounded service members returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq. They realized that something needed to be done for these brave individuals beyond the brass bands and ticker tape parades. They wanted to provide tangible support for the severely wounded to help them on the road to heal both physically and mentally. What they viewed as a small contribution compared with what the warriors had sacrificed, is now WWP's signature program; WWP backpacks delivered bedside to wounded warriors.


Wounded Warrior Project offers a number of programs that provide assistance to returning injured service men and women during each phase of their rehabilitation. Through the generous donations of private citizens, organizations and corporations, wounded warriors are provided opportunities that ease the transition to civilian life. This support is also complemented by both grassroots and national events hosted for Wounded Warrior Project by volunteers and organizations nationwide. Your help will further enable us to contribute positively to these programs and the people they affect.

backpackWWP Backpacks

WWP Backpacks contain essential care and comfort items including clothing, toiletries, calling card, CDs, and playing cards, all designed to make their hospital stay more comfortable. They are provided to severely wounded service members arriving at Department of Defense and Veterans? hospitals. Read more information below on how you can provide a complete backpack to a veteran in need.

"My son was injured in an explosion in Fallujah. I just want
to let you know that the backpack and supplies it contained were very much appreciated by my son and me. I would like
to personally thank all of you who were involved in this wonderful support project. My son is currently recuperating
at home on convalescent leave, so I can take care of him myself.
When I couldn't, you were there to comfort and assist my poor injured Marine.
For that I am very grateful. Please keep up the good work!"

- Proud Marine Mom

Transition Care Packs

A smaller version of the WWP Backpack, Transition Care Packs are sent directly to Iraq and Afghanistan to provide immediate comfort during a warrior?s relocation to a U.S. military trauma center.

Advocacy/WWP Legislative Agenda

snowboardWWP's legislative program strives to support injured service members by advocating for positive changes in benefits and veterans policy. For those in need of assistance with VA benefits, Wounded Warrior Project can help. WWP is a VA accredited organization and has very experienced staff to help veterans with their VA claims.

Benefits Counseling

Benefits counselors work with severely wounded service members immediately upon their return to the States. Counselors provide guidance and help to navigate government benefits available to military personnel and their families. They also help build connections between wounded warriors, establishing a stateside network of peers to provide the necessary assistance, friendship, and inspiration.

Peer Mentoring

During a wounded warrior’s initial recovery, often the most positive influence is the friendship and understanding of a peer mentor, a fellow wounded warrior. It is critically important for the newly injured to know someone who has traveled before them on the same rocky road. Our staff and alumni are excellent resources, listeners and “hospital buddies” who can share their understanding and perspective from their own real-life successes. Our peer mentors are also available to visit with the wounded warrior’s family, if requested. Peer mentors can help family members visualize the achievements possible through rehabilitation and hard work.

Family Assistance

Injury can create an added financial burden on wounded warriors and their families. During rehabilitation, help with necessary expenses for the families of the wounded, including housing, food, child care, and transportation costs to the hospital is provided so the service member does not have to recover alone. Post rehab services include caregiver retreats where family members are given an opportunity for some much needed R&R.

Coping Services/Project Odyssey

Wounded Warrior Project offers many different services to help wounded warriors cope with combat stress or trauma and has a Resiliency Center full of useful information regarding PTSD. Among these services are Project Odyssey events, PTSD seminars, and peer mentoring. Project Odyssey brings together veterans facing combat stress or trauma (PTSD) and gets them involved in outdoor activities that offer healthy support in the healing process. In Project Odyssey, veterans connect with peers facing the same challenges who offer a network of support and community to show veterans that they are not alone.

Our PTSD seminars offer workshops and sessions designed for both disabled and able-bodied service members who are understandably dealing with the effects of combat stress while reintegrating back into civilian life. Besides these services, WWP provides and fosters opportunities for peer interaction and mentoring at all of our various sports and recreational events where WWP Alumni can meet, support, and inspire newly injured warriors.

soldier rideSoldier Ride

The Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride's cycling programs give severely wounded servicemen and women the opportunity to reinvigorate their bodies and uplift their spirits. Soldier Ride provides each of the brave men and women who participate in our ride with the adaptive equipment they need to cycle, even if they are missing one or more limbs. Participation in our cycling and recreational events fosters the rehabilitation of the wounded by showing them that they can still lead active, independent lives and gives families the opportunity to reconnect outside of the hospital environment.

"Soldier Ride has been an experience my wife and I will never forget! I didn't think there was any way I'd be able to bike every mile but I did it! It renewed my faith in myself and my abilities (as well as my wife's faith in me) thank you for that it's a debt I'll never be able to repay."
-Active duty warrior and right leg above the knee amputee

Wounded Warrior Disabled Sports Project

Adaptive sports help wounded service members rebuild confidence and reclaim an active, athletic life. Together with Disabled Sports USA, the program not only helps these men and women regain their physical strength but also serves as an outlet to foster friendship and reinvigorate their spirits. Activities include golf canoeing, water skiing, cycling, snow skiing, and rock climbing.

"Bryan was so thankful to be able to ski again since his injury by the IED. Thank you for making this happen for us.
We love what your organization does for the wounded soldiers."

- Cheryl and Bryan Gansner

Post-initial rehabilitation

warriorOur services don't end when our patients are ready to check out of the hospital. Programs such as TRACK, Peer Mentoring, Internship, and Warriors to Work are all designed to help serve the long-term needs of our dedicated service men and women. From stipends to employment assistance programs, all wounded warriors are offered access to these valuable services. Specifically, the WWP Alumni association is an avenue for communication, networking, sharing, and camaraderie beyond the borders of the hospital room

Warriors To Work

Wounded Warrior Project's Warriors to Work (WtoW) program helps individuals recovering from severe injuries received in the line of duty connect with the support and resources they need to build a career in the civilian workforce. It can be tough to transition into civilian life. It's even tougher to adjust to life after a serious injury.


TRACK to offers wounded warriors an integrated approach to address long-term needs for education and training, advocacy, and secondary rehabilitative care for the MIND, BODY and SPIRIT. This unique program offers participants a range of college preparatory classes and services customized to their needs, helping them build career skills, train in veterans’ advocacy, and continue recovery toward a more independent life. The wounded warriors attend college classes as a group, with the ability to draw from their shared experiences. TRACK has three state-of-the art classrooms, as well as a gym, and individual workspaces for the warriors and instructors.

Transition Training Academy

The Transition Training Academy was established as a joint effort of the U.S. Department of Labor (DoL), Veterans' Employment and Training Service, Cisco, the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) and the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). WWP administers the program as a part of their commitment to the service men and women that have been wounded or injured on active duty. TTA helps participants explore Information Technology (IT) as a potential career field and to develop new career skills with real-world application which may help secure future employment.

For more information on Wounded Warrior Project please see their website.

The Greatest Casualty is Being Forgotten

Proud Supporter - Wounded Warrior Project


King Blossom Charitable Association
a registered charitable organization, EIN: 27-1761901
834 Dunbar Hill Road, Grantham, NH 03753
603-863-6125, KBCA@kingblossomguitars.com
King Blossom Guitars

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